
jueves, 2 de febrero de 2012

"la voz de" ANONYMOUS...#FBI Says Cyber Attacks Becoming Top Terror Threat

El director del FBI le dice a un comité del Senado de los hackers un día superar a los terroristas como principal amenaza para EE.UU.. Prevé que los ataques se hacen más complejos y frecuentes. ciberataques contra las agencias gubernamentales y empresas en los Estados Unidos siguen aumentando, y las amenazas cibernéticas, un día superar el peligro del terrorismo a los Estados Unidos, funcionarios de inteligencia de la comunidad, dijo en una audiencia pública de la Senado seleccione la comunidad de inteligencia el martes. Señaló que los grupos de hackers como anónimo y LulzSec han estado llevando a cabo una campaña constante de ataques de denegación de servicio y desfiguraciones sitio web, y que las intrusiones en NASDAQ y el Fondo Monetario Internacional ponen de relieve la vulnerabilidad de los sectores clave de la la economía.

Mientras tanto, el Gobierno español va a reforzar la persecución de los "crímenes" cometidos por Internet


#FBI Says Cyber Attacks Becoming Top Terror Threat

FBI director tells a Senate committee Hackers will one day outstrip terrorists as top threat to U.S.. Attacks predicted to become more complex and frequent. Cyber attacks against government agencies and businesses in the United States continue to rise, and cyber threats will one day surpass the danger of terrorism to the United States, intelligence community officials said in an open hearing of the Senate select intelligence community Tuesday. He noted that hacker groups like Anonymous and LulzSec have been carrying out a consistent campaign of distributed denial of service attacks and website defacements, and that intrusions into NASDAQ and the International Monetary Fund underscore the vulnerability of key sectors of the economy.
Meanwhile, the Spanish government will strengthen the prosecution of "crimes" committed on the Internet
Publicado por Miguel...
Cyber attacks against government agencies and businesses in the United States continue to rise, and cyber threats will one day surpass the danger of terrorism to the United States, intelligence community officials said in an open hearing of the Senate select intelligence community Tuesday. He noted that hacker groups like Anonymous and LulzSec have been carrying out a consistent campaign of distributed denial of service attacks and website defacements, and that intrusions into NASDAQ and the International Monetary Fund underscore the vulnerability of key sectors of the economy.
Meanwhile, the Spanish government will strengthen the prosecution of "crimes" committed on the Internet

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